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wHat is survivalrun?

Versatile outdoor sport

Survivalrun is een versatile outdoor sport, that combines running with obstacles. It is a challenging sport where strength, endurance, flexibility, technique and perseverence are important.


During a survival run you run a largely unpaved course. Paths, ditches, forests, meadows and occasionally a bit of asphalt.


The obstacles constructed can be beams, nets, ropes, horizontal ladders and all sorts of combinations of these. Archery, chopping wood and kayaking can also be encountered during a survival run.


Along the way you will encounter natural and constructed obstacles. Natural obstacles include culverts, fallen trees and water.

NSSV FEL exists
since 2015!

Read more about the establishment of our beautiful association through the button below (Dutch)

About us

Nijmeegse Studenten Survivalrun Vereniging Fortis et Liber

Climbing, running, it is all part of it

Survival is a versatile endurance sport in which you complete a running course through forests, fields, meadows and waters. During this running route through the Dutch wilderness you will encounter various obstacles, from rope obstacles to archery, ballast running, canoeing and more. Due to the combination of running with the various obstacles, both endurance and physical and mental strength are essential.

The survival runs are offered at all levels, just like the training at NSSV FEL, so it does not matter whether you are a novice survivalist or an experienced athlete.

In addition to the training and competitions, we are also a friendly association and we have various activities throughout the year, including a lively drink every month.

Our partners!

Our Board


Sam Heitink

Commissioner of External Affairs

Iris Mommers


Ricky van Hees


Anne Dien ten Have


Lars Berghuis

Commissioner of Terrain

We also give clinics!

For those looking for an introduction to the sport, a fun team-building or group activity, we also offer clinics. Feel free to contact us!

You can also register for courses through the Radboud Sports Center!

Victor Westhofflaan 4
6525 DK , Nijmegen

Postal address:
Heyendaalseweg 141
6525 AJ, Nijmegen

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